My out-laws, I mean in-laws came from Anchorage, Palmer and Fairbanks to ring in the New Year with us. It's been our tradition for the past 3-4 years. The tradition usually includes a charter for winter king salmon but this year it's been so cold, the harbor is frozen! Nanna saves a lot of her presents for us until New Year's Eve so it's like Christmas all over again.
I don't mean to brag or anything, but I kicked butt with my New Year's Eve dinner last night. I can't take all the credit, though. Kristin brought the prime rib which I cooked up. Matt scored us a box of King crab from Ian Pitzman. I had to use up the stuff in my organic veggie box from Full Circle Farms. So I tried 3 new recipes that came in my veggie box. Oh, and Matt scored again with the fireworks at midnight! I'm totally bummed that I didn't get any pictures of the fireworks show or a nice picture of the two of us (Sorry, honey!).
Today's my last day of lounging around in my pajamas all day. Tomorrow we head up to Anchorage for 3 hockey games. Then it's back to school on Monday. Maya starts preschool on Tuesday! Sarah goes back to Arizona tomorrow night. Wah!
Does anyone know how to have your blog professional printed and bound?
Yesterday we met Grandma for lunch. She left for 2 weeks in Hawaii. We are going to miss her!

Bon voyage Granma!

Maya sick with pneumonia.

Maya perked up after her 3 hour disco nap.

Jerusalem artichoke puree, avocado stuffed yams, and honey and sweet wine glazed roasted pears with heavy cream.

Kathleen is the crab master.

Kristin and Sarah.

Dr. Jill carves the prime rib like a surgeon (just kidding, she's in family practice).

Kristin's famous pear, blue cheese and candied walnut salad.

Michael in a rare moment without Maya on his lap.

If you are going to have a present on your lap, I'll just sit on your presents.

Riley shows us Chris' alter-ego.

Aunt Karyn made Riley a fleece Steelers jacket.

Nanna Claus passes out the presents.

And a Seahawks fleece jacket for Chris.

Irene opens a present from Kathleen and Steve.

Kathleen shares old family photos with Steve.
I think you should embrace the slacker mom within AND get the kids to school on time.
I go CRAZY when parents can't get their kids to school on time. It's seriously one of my biggest pet peeves.
But everything else you can slack on!
Wow, what a feast! Looks awesome. Glad to hear Maya's better. Poor little girl, sick for the holidays (and her birthday).
Oh, I voted for getting more organized because if you're more organized than everything else will fall into place (ok, that's the theory anyway). I'm a "prep" freak. Everything is preped the night before (clothes, bookbags, lunches, etc). It really helps me get out the door on time but then again, I only have 1 toddler to get out the door.
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