Monday, August 10, 2009

Sarah and Ryan in Alaska

Sarah visited us for 3 weeks. Ryan came up for the last 10 days. It was cloudy, raining or foggy most of the time. I think Ryan had 2 sunny days. The first sunny day they tried to go disc golfing. We found a private disc golf course in Homer on Diamond Ridge. I kept saying to Sarah, oh it's going to be so pretty up there with all the fireweed in bloom. I forgot about the part where you have to FIND your disc in all that fireweed!

Sarah and Ryan went fishing with Matt's sister Kathleen and Steve one day. They caught halibut and cod but no salmon. They went fishing with Matt one day, got one small cod and several "ugly fish" or Irish Lords. They tried their luck one last time with a friend of Sarah's. Mike put down a crab pot and got 5 Tanner crabs that were keepers.

Most of the time, we just hung around the house, shooting hoop, playing catch, eating massive family dinners. While Ryan and Sarah were here, so were Kathleen and Steve. Then we had visits from out of state friends like Vic Varrick, his son Chad, and grandson Trent. Then our last interim pastor, Richard Gilbert from Wyoming came to visit with his two grandsons from New Mexico. Finally, my uncle Jack visited from New Jersey. That gets us all caught up to where we are now, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Sarah in the fireweed.

Ryan and Maya

Sarah looking good in rubber overalls.

Chris and Riley take Flat Stanley disc golfing.

Now where did that disc go? And where is the next basket?

Trevor enjoying some one on one time with Sarah.
Tanner crab doing pull-ups. By the way, this is what dust mites look like under the microscope, Ewwww, YUCK!

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