Monday, July 20, 2009

Sarah's back! (And so is the rain!)

I jinxed myself by posting that blog about the warm weather. It's been raining for 3 days. Tonight there's a heavy fog all around us. I blame myself. I was planning to take the kids camping this week. Sarah says it's her fault because she is home for 3 weeks. Of course, we all know it's probably Matt's fault. He's taking a few days off this week to go fishing.

Never the less, we will try to enjoy our time with Sarah and adjust our activities accordingly. Last week, Chris and Riley went fishing with Matt. They caught a 2 pound trout called a Dolly Varden and a 30 pound halibut. When Matt cut open the halibut's stomach,he found 19 crabs and one candle fish! He's hoping to catch a king salmon this week.

The kids are enjoying soccer. We have a fantastic soccer coach. He carries the little ones around for a while if he sees them clinging to their mother. Then he puts them so they can kick the ball. By the end of the hour, every 3 year old has a foot on a ball. He has them divided into four different groups led by 4 different youths. They rotate through each station so they don't have time to get bored. One of the stations is playing with a giant soccer ball!

Friday night I drove to Anchorage to pick Sarah up. The boys didn't want to go so it was just Maya and me. She was a great traveler. We went to Costco on Saturday morning to load up on supplies. She saw a Disney Princess song book with a pretend Ipod. I put it in the cart dreading the four hour ride home. Once it fell on the floor she forgot about it for a while, thereby sparing my sanity. She enjoyed watching her Tinkerbell movie and Curious George DVD based on the PBS television show, things she doesn't get to watch when the boys are in the car.

Our social worker's daughter, Mara, who is adopted from China, is raising money to go to NY for a Montessori Model United Nations conference. We sent a donation and she sent us a Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley is featured in some of the photos below.

Chris' 2 pound Dolly Varden

Riley's holding a 30 p0und halibut

Maya' new Disney Princess song book with toy Ipod.

Curious kitty looks for Maya behind the book.

Pretend Ipod also doubles as a cell phone!

Driving home with Sarah.

Sarah sweeps the floor upon arrival.

Hulk Smash Hands say: "Don't make me angry! You won't like me when I'm angry!"

Princess Maya

Sarah meets Flat Stanley.


Kelshel said...

I remember the same thing happened to you last year too. You were going to take the kids camping and it rained. It's in your blog if I remember correctly!
What a bummer.
I love that picture of you and Sarah driving!

Our Family said...

Great photos! Maya has been home a year already?! Yikes - time flies! And she is getting so big and more beautiful, if that is possible. Tell the boys that my kids are most impressed with their fishing skills. They need to come for a visit and try their luck in the lake behind our house! Wish we could send you some Florida sunshine! We would gladly trade for a cool breeze. Enjoy your first baby girl while she is home! Mary Li