Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Maya!

Today was Maya's half birthday. We did not have a party because her life has been kind of a party for the past two months. She is still getting presents from our friends and family on a regular basis. She gets to eat as much ice cream, cake and whipped cream as she wants, and today she got to have a double play date with 3 other 2 1/2 year olds at the park!

Maya with her friends Danica and Ariel Ronda from Tacoma, WA and Holland Marie Hornaday of Edmonds, WA. All their daddies went to school together.

When playing baseball with our boys, it is strongly advised that you wear a helmet like Nanna.

Maya opening her latest present from our friends at the lab; Thank you Vanessa and Holley!

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